
Archive for the ‘Aphrodite’ Category

Tales of Brave Ulysses

In Aphrodite, Art, Cream, Love, Music, Philosophy, Sex, Venus on July 30, 2012 at 1:37 pm

Aphrodite, FriederichswerderscheKirch, Schinkel Museum from bradpsculptor.wordpress.com (I am unable make a link? Sorry.)


Demonstrating Love or sexual behaviour is part of the human condition, being alive. None of us would even exist without it. When do we classify it as whoredom, perversion and when is it an expression of Love, union, sexuality — divine? How can this expression — in its purest sense — be wanting, unacceptable?

Why not speak of Love? Act of Love? To speak and act of Love steals power from hate. There is much talk of hate. No? Think about it? How often do you encounter that word each day?


Uh, yeah. It adds up, hey?

That word should be the taboo. Not sex.

Colossal volumes encompassing myriad mediums have been devoted to the captivating Aphrodite alone — from cults to mythology to fine art to music… on and on she goes. She has enchanted the hearts and minds of man for an eternity it would seem.

How much Love could we all inspire if we were to — to paraphrase — wipe the dew off our spectacles, see that the world is moving and let Love reign, my conservative friend?


Heavy, psychedelic Cream. Tales of Brave Ulysses. 1967. Dig it.
