
Archive for the ‘Faeries’ Category

The Primrose Fairy

In Art, Faeries, Poetry, Uncategorized on June 26, 2012 at 10:58 am

It must be said that Faeries are mischievous little creatures. They are untrustworthy and often mean and spiteful. Never, under any circumstances, eat ANYTHING offered you by them.

The only one you can really trust is the Primrose Fairy. She’s good through and through.

You’re safe with her.


The Song of The Primrose Fairy

The Primrose opens wide in Spring;
Her scent is sweet and good:
It smells of every happy thing
In sunny lane and wood.
I have not half the skill to sing
And praise her as I should.

She’s dear to folk throughout the land;
In her is nothing mean:
She freely spreads on every hand
Her petals pale and clean.
And though she’s neither proud nor grand,
She is the Country Queen.

~ From Flower Fairies of the Spring by Cicely Mary Barker (1895-1973)